Blender for Trainz

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Mark/Clear Sharp


Keyboard shortcut:

CTRL + E-KEY > Mark Sharp

CTRL + E-KEY > Clear Sharp


3D Editor: Edit Mode




Mesh > Edges > Mark/Clear Sharp


The Mark/Clear Sharp Tool is used in combination with the Edge Split Modifier. It

allows you to mark edges that you want to remain sharp when you smooth a

mesh. Edges when marked Sharp turn turquoise.

To Use the Tool:


Switch to the 3D Editor’s Edit Mode and Edge Selection Mode.

Select (RMB) the edge to be marked.

Press CTRL + E-KEY > select Mark Sharp.

(The marked edges will turn turquoise.)

Let’s Try It:


Open Blender and switch to the 3D Editor’s Edit Mode and

Edge Selection Mode.

• Select the Default Cube and delete it (X-KEY > Delete).

Press SHIFT + C-KEY to place the cursor at the origin

(intersection of the axes).

Press Add > Cylinder.

Enlarge (NumPad-+-KEY) so you can see the cylinder

shape better.

End of Setup

Select (ALT/OPT + RMB) the top ring of edges.

Press CTRL + E-KEY > select Mark Sharp.

The marked edges will turn turquoise.

If you a game, Let's smooth the cylinder:

• In the Properties Editor, LMB click on the Modifier Icon (a wrench).

LMB click on Add Modifier and under Generate select Edge Split.

• In the 3D Editor switch to Object Mode.

Select the cylinder (A-KEY).

• In the Tool Shelf under the Tools Tab select Shading > Smooth.

Try it again, but this time don’t mark the seams so you can see

the difference.

Additional Comments:

This is a very useful tool for determining which seams in a mesh you want to

remain sharp when the mesh is smoothed.

For More Information:

Blender Reference Manual, Edges


Last updated: October 2, 2015


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